A list of bookmarks, largely uncurated. Not all are valid. Many aren't even significant. Some are obsolete by now. This is not any kind of definitive, or even recommended, list.
There should be a better way to organise these.
They're things I saw linked to and thought I might want to look at in detail sometime.
Maybe I'll try to divide it into an organised and a disorganised part?
Let me know if you see anything here that shouldn't be public.
I've found that for zoom, firefox works for video; chromium for audio. So I started useong both together. (as of 2022 11 24)
To get a link to a particular facebook post, click on the date it was posted.
A look at search engines with their own indexes Reviews of search engines.
Lost something? Search through 91.7 million files from the ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s article about this search tool
ecosia searcch engine that supports tree planting
Our 7 best Private searh engine recommendations (recommended by avoidthehack)
There's a soylent News page discussing search engings: Searching for Search Tools
Specialized search engines. This list is on facebook, here along with a picture of a ver implausible library.
Purely local search
To search this page of bookmarks, use the find feature of your browser: for my copies, anyway, both Firefox and Chromium respond to control-F to open a search box to look for text within the current page.
Some of these are no longer running.
Homotopy Type Theory Electronic Seminar Talks Home page for this seminar. Haslinks to talks.
Bohemian Logical & Philosophical Café
The Topos Institute Colloquium Usuallys on Thursdays
2024 08 29 Cyrus Omar: Totally Live Programming and Proving in Hazel
online Worldwide Seminar on Logic and semantics. This one has shut down for a few years now, but its videos are still available. Another URL for it: OWLS
User groups
Disk management
pclinuxos an infuential Linux distro. Its slogan is "So cool ice cubes are jealous".
Linux user groups
Devuan is a Debian deriviative without systemd. Some packages have been patched to no longer require systemd; those too deeply enmeshed with systemd are missing altogether.
Code Writing Code: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Modern Metaprogramming
Revenge of the Nerds A long essay about why Lisp.
Lisps (see alse Racket-relateed)
Embedding Hygiene-Compatible Macros in an Unhygienic Macro System
Racket is an implementation of Scheme, a Lisp derivative. Well, not just an implementation, and not quite an implementation. It differs in a number of ways, notably in preferring immutable data structures (but nor requiring them), in its extensive set of libraries, some of which actually implement new interoperable languages.
Racket playlists on Youtube
Racket testing and documenting
Scripts How to embed Racket code in an OS-level script
General Racket manuals
Racket packages/libraries
Racket packages
Racket Libraries
creating packages
Making a game in Racket (lisp family) - Games With Unusual Programming Languages #3
Related Languages
Dracula, a Racket tool for verification of Racket programs (or is it common lisp?)
Typed Racket
Racket-based languages
syntax-spec: A Metalanguage for Hosted DSLs (2024) Promising, but not yet documented well enough to be usable.
Urlang Javascript with sane (i.e. Racket-like) syntax. You can use Racket's macroprocessor on it.
Racket-based text languages
Prolog-like Racket
Lua -- Two indepenent implementations:
X64 Assembler Not actually a #lang language. It is a suite of functions that can be used to generate X64 machine instructions into memory, where, in principle, it can be called from a Racket program.
Fluxus A language for live-coding; i.e., you write your program in public, before an audience, with the results on a screen everybody can watch. The language is of course designed to make this easy, enabling fast interaction to fix errors. Ot's progrmming! Of course there are bugs!
Constructive Solid Geometry in Racket
zuo A small scripting language based on Racket
Graphite -- A language for data visualisation.
[ANN] New Get Started Documentation on OCaml.org
Jai (TODO: What is this?)
Futhark Futhark is a small programming language designed to be compiled to efficient parallel code. It is a statically typed, data-parallel, and purely functional array language in the ML family, and comes with a heavily optimising ahead-of-time compiler that presently generates either GPU code via CUDA and OpenCL, or multi-threaded CPU code.
Carbon yet another C++ replacement
3D game engine Dotrix
Game development resources Game development tools in Racket.
Dialog A language for intereactive text novels
Game Engines
Noise-based random number generation
Game Jams
Project Horseshoe Reports Variouaa reports, including:
Procedurally Generated 3D Dungeons rogue-like dungeon generation raised to 3D.
Recreating NYC with CityBLD | NEW UE5 Procedural City Generator
Maybe not quite?
Infinite Photorealistic Worlds using Procedural Generation An arxiv paper: Using 3D-moelling to generate labelled images to train an AI.
Recreating NYC with CityBLD | NEW UE5 Procedural City Generator
Procedural Building Generation with Grammars
The Secret Behind Unexplored: Cyclic Dungeon Generation | AI and Games #57
Kste Compton
recommeded in comment in https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=18/01/25/150250&from=rss. "No snooping, no massive bandwidth/ data requirements, plenty of customisation options and user-generated content. Oh, and free."
ADOM, MAngband, and dwarf fortress on the roguelike end
Google search reveals: Some great old games, apparenty open-source/free/libre:
ADOM Roguelikes [Archive] - ADOM & Ultimate ADOM Forums
MAngband (mayne type for Angband?)
Dwarf Fortress
After Nethack, Dwarf Fortress, and Transcendence - Ars Technica ... https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=98176
Roguelike - NetHack Wiki https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Roguelike https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Forum:Roguelikes
www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=Major_roguelikes www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=Talk:Major_roguelikes
research game BoomTown
game Nier Automata
I haven't tested these at all. Just noticed them advertised online.
Is wiskunde een menselijke uitvining of zou het de taal van het universum kunnen zijn?
What is algebraic geometry? on YouTube
Numbers They Don't Teach You In School A very clear YouTube video about p-adic numbers.
Roman numerals
The Unreasonable Effectivenss of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
First Steps in Synthetic Computability Theory Lovely paper explaining computability using constructivism instead of Godel numbers.
A Beginner's Guide to Modern Set Theory by Martin Dowd
Some arguments in Favor of the Continuum Hypothesis (this is a draft, will be updated) by Martin Dowd
The 3x + 1 Problem: An Annotated Bibliography (1963–1999) (Sorted by Author) Jeffrey C. Lagarias on the Collatz conjecture
When someone says “I’m good at Math”, what are things that you would expect them to be good at?
Big numbers
ZenoTheRogue Videos about noneuclidean geometries
{Near a Raven](http://www.cadaeic.net/naraven.htm) Pi coded as a long poem
When = isn't quite equal An simple exposition on building new thngs from old.
zbMATH an open index of mathematical literature.
Varieties of Mathematical Understaning (also downloaded locally) "Conceptual mathematics as a technology designed to extend out cognitive reach"
Why We Might Use Different Numbers in the Future A description of number notations used in the past. This includes mentions of other number bases than 10. It seems 10, 12, 20, and 60 have all been used historically. Technologically, we've also used 2, 8, and 16. The symbols the video used for 10 and 11 in duodecimal are not the ones historically promoted, which were a backwards 3 for 11, called elf, and an old-Emgnlsh thorn for ten. (I'm not sure I remember, but they may have called it 'dec').
The Church numberss in NF set theory Intuitionistic NF Set Theory
As a mathematician, what notational convenience were you most excited to find? on Quora
Flatland explained by Car Sagan
Notes on the Kevin Buzzard's talk on Lean at the topos institute.
unimath -- Vladimir Voevodsky's library of univalent math. Very incomplete as ordinary mathematics goes, but contains lots ad lots of category theory
What is the [Langlands program](Langlands program)?
Patrick Massot's sphere eversion project
condensed mathematics
Fast Inverse Square Root — A Quake III Algorithm
The role of mathematicians in K-12 mathematics education](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Fr. Ben Nebres (moderator)Shiu-Yuen Cheng, Konrad Osterwalder, and Hung-Hsi Wu (panelists)
[Category Theory for Everyone)[https://learnct.lol/details]
Topos Institute Book Club
What is category theory? on YouTube
What is category theory and why do mathematicians love it? A discussion on quora
Conceptual Mathematics: a first introduction to categories, by f. William Lawvere and Stephen H. Schanuel
From Sets to Types to Categories to Sets Steve Awodey
Category Theory in Context by Emily Reihl.
Seven Sketches in Compositionality:An Invitation to Applied Category Theory
27 Unhelpful Facts About Category Theory by Oliver Lugg
Bob Coecke, who did Categorical Quantum Mechanics
[Matching Logic Grigore Rosu](https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.06312 for reasoning about programs)
Categories and Sets
David Corfield Phiosophical perspectives on category theory A lovely survey of the fields category theory has become involved with, and some philosophy.
Michael Barany: "How Categories Come to Matter"
Chad Giusti: "Toward a useful category for persistent homology" at Topos Institute Colloquium. About how homology could be used for data analysis.
ACT 2023 The 6th International Conference on Applied Category Theory
Online Seminars
La Th ́eorie des Ensembles et la Th ́eorie des Cat ́egories: Jean-Yves B ́eziau∗
Octoberfest 2024 A category theory version of an actoberfest.
Learn Applied Category Theory I suspect this URL is only temporary.
Category Theory article at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. COntains a lot of history.
Centre de Recherche en Théorie des Catégories -- Montréal -- Category Theory Research Center
Catlab documentation pixel arrays are a fully discretized approach to numerically solving systems of nonlinear equations
What is an intuitive view of adjoints? (version 1: category theory)
Topos Institute presumably the presenter's website on 2020 09 16: tslil.xyz
Computational category theory 1 Simplicial Sets - Hiro Lee Tanaka
Implementing category theory in ML. This one looks interesting, with a
Values and Inclusivity in the Applied CategoryTheory Community (pdf)
Calculations with presheaves
The Algebra of Grand Unified TheoriesJohn C. Baez, John Huerta
On my favorite conventions for drawing the missing diagrams in Category Theory Eduardo Ochs
Graphical Linear Algebra A presentation of linear algebra without all the arrays of numbers. It uses categorical strinf diagrams. But it's not clear that this is a reasonable introduction to linear algebra.
Sketches of an Elephant Material related to the book Sketched of an Elephant, by Peter Johnstone., on topos theory
The rising sea in applied mathematics
Type Theory
Higher-order unification
Natural Type Theory
[univalent foundations no comment])https://mathematicswithoutapologies.wordpress.com/2015/05/13/univalent-foundations-no-comment/) a posting on Michael Harris's blog.
Homotopy Type Theory
Feynman's Lectures on Physics
The Crisis in String Theory is Worse Than You Think... or (https://youtu.be/2p_Hlm6aCok?si=VYLhvsDNlkqTQSig) or https://youtu.be/2p_Hlm6aCok?si=eNuum1LYmdZuQA-2 ?
Higher Topos Theory In Physics by Urs Schreiber -- in preparation. This page has like to several versions and presentations.
Why physics is unreasonably good at creating new math - Big Think
Physicists Observe Particles Switch Between Matter and Antimatter
Fourth, fifth, and sixth derivatives of position - Wikipedia snap, crackle, and pop.
Conversations at the Perimiter may have DRM. Might there be Youtube versions of some of these?
How the huge energy of quantum vacuum gravitates to drive the slow accelerating expansion of the Universe by Qingdi Wang, Zhen Zhu,1and William G. Unruh
Probability Theories with Dynamic Causal Structure: A New Framework for Quantum Gravity
Profound physics -- a series of articles on the web
The most beautiful idea in physics - Noether's Theorem a youtube video
Constraints In Lagrangian Mechanics: A Complete Guide With Examples
Observables and Hamilton-Jacobi approaches to general relativity. I. The Earlier History
An Introduction to the Multi-Grid Method for Numerical RelativistsMatthew Choptuik and W. G. Unruh
Unpacking the Complexity of the Einstein Equations They just unpack; they do not explain. A Youtube video.
Quantum Cosmology and Mathematical Physics : When you choose physics by chance not by choice
Stephen Hawking and I created his final theory of the cosmos – here’s what it reveals about the origins of time and life Thomas Hertog
The mass of the photon Liang-Cheng Tu1, Jun Luo1,3 and George T Gillies2. Theory and experiental results on photon mass and its onsequences. It turns out that a non-zero rest mass of the photon would have a lot of consequnces.
Quantum Theory, Groups and Representations: An Introduction Revised and expanded version, under construction
Loop Quantum Gravity
Soylent News Posts
Mathematical Problems of Non-perturbative Quantum General Relativity -- Abhay Ashtekar Ashtekar explains the state of quantum gravity research at about 1993. An interesting and seemingly comprehensible exposition, though so far I've read it only to page 13, and I can't say I understand all the jargon. Hoping to figure it out as I go on.
Dirac's Belt Trick: Why a 2π rotation twists space but a 4π rotation fixes it
Dirac's belt trick, Topology, and Spin ½ particles An excellent and very clear exposition of the mathematics of electron spin. Much of it is done via animated pictures that get to the heart of the matter. Heavy mathematics clearly pictured. There's a lot of reconceptualization going on, though, and it may take multiple viewings to put it all together.
The Theory of Quantized Fields. I by Schwinger -- the first of a series of six papers originally introducing quantum fielld theory. Where to get this? What's on that website is just an abstract, and the rest seems to be paywaled.
Why can't you multiply vectors? by Freya Holmér
Video: Visualizing quaternions (4d numbers) with stereographic projection
I haven't yet found all these videos.
Quantum Computing
[Perimiter Institute](https://perimetist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw1sekg6SUY)
The Rindler Horizon by Greg Egan
Why Magnetic Monopoles SHOULD Exist "Don't underestimate the power of the obsessed physicist. The great Paul Dirac has a habit of discovering particles just by starting at the math."
The Physicist Who Slayed Gravity’s Ghosts An interview with Claudia de Rham about the theory that gravitons might have mass in a universe with extra dimensinos.
linear quantum theory and its possible nonlinear generalisations There should be a source other than academia.edu. This one seems to be mostly blankk pages.
about Feynman's big mistake
For instance, I tried searching for "Why is the Higgs mechanism needed?" and I only found news articles that basically said "because it gives particles mass!"
Instead of Google searches it's probably better to get a stock of QFT books like Itzykson and Zuber, Weinberg, and so on. Even if you can't understand all the details, there are some very nice paragraphs here and there.
Easier books, which I find to be full of wisdom, are these:
Kerson Huang, Quarks, Leptons & Gauge Fields, World Scientific, Singapore, 1982.
L. B. Okun, Leptons and Quarks, translated from Russian by V. I. Kisin, North-Holland, 1982. (Huang's book is better on mathematical aspects of gauge theory and topology; Okun's book is better on what we actually observe particles to do.)
T. D. Lee, Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory, Harwood, 1981.
Sailor Moon
Spice and Wolf on Funimation, with commercials
Batou shojo The girl who verbally abuses -- Matoko arc
Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou. / Shave the beard and pick up the high school girl is on Crunchyroll. Sounds like a sexploitation title, but it is anything but.
Wolf's Rain is on funimation. Good anime about a change in the world.
Indexes and recommendations found on the webpage https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/5w0g9o/anime_with_lots_of_rain/
Blue reflection Ray -- crunchyroll news; should start April 09, 2021
Where to get legitimate digital manga
Comics online
Webtoons a webcomic site
Comixology ad
Links from 2021 otakuthon
A history of Japanese striptease
DxD reading guide THis one is a wiki.
DxD reading guide With spoilers.
Download the DxD translated original novel
Japan Cultural Expo VIRTUAL PLATFORM Main Entrance
Comics Kingdom a site with many daily stripc -- but not the ones i particularly liked. Except Bizarro is there.
My Neighbour Totoro. My all-time favorite movie.
Thirty-Five Years Later, There’s Nothing Like ‘My Neighbor Totoro’ - The Ringer
A weird interpretation of the film which the makersof the movie reject. Watch the movie before you read this interpretation.
Hayao Miyazaki Prepares to Cast One Last Spell Article about Miyazaki and a Studio Ghibli retrospective
Animation Obsessive
Quirinux A Linux distribution designed for animators
Documentary movie Empire of the Ants - BBC Documentary HD
Koyaanisqatsi (1982)
Baraka (1992)
The Revenant https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1663202/
365 Days https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/365_Days_(2020_film) I probably don't want to watch this
Eyes Wide Shut
8. The Sumerians - Fall of the First Cities Someone recommended this to me. Seems to be 8th in a history of Sumaria. On Youtube.
Quibi -- a video streming service with short films
A Promising Young Woman -- Jane recommended this to me with warnings.
Shadow and Bone ??? on netflix, rcommended in newspaper
Streaming video
Films to watch
Babylon 5
Doctor Who
TO SEE: ??
The Twelve Kingdoms, Moriboto, Claymore, most Ghibli films Urotsukidoj
Fractal Forums
Chris Thomasson
Xaos A fractal program that does continuous interactive zooming.
Disco Diffusion
autolisp in a computer programming page contains some lispish stuff
Generative Art
Restarting a stalled project according to Mary Robenette Kowal, transcript:
“The ABC’s of How NOT to Write Speculative Fiction” by Susan MacGregor
Writers Write
127 Writing Prompts To Finish Before You Write About Yourself
13 Ways To Start A Story incident moments
8 Ways To Uncover Your Character’s Motivations A moderately good list.
On Ghosts & How To Write About Them Nothing like my ghosts in From darkness.
Anthony Horowitz’s 4 Steps To Creating A Suspenseful Adventure
Everything Writers Need To Know About Scenes And Sequels This explanation makes sense.
The Ultimate Setting Checklist For Worldbuilding Seems like a good list.
Seventh Sanctum lots of random tables and generators.
Darkest of Nights More generators. Also some games.
What kind of a plotting method will work best for you and your story?
Plot generators
10 Fantasy Books with Unique Magic Systems (that Can't Currently Be Adapted)
Writers write
Writing Excuses 15-minute podcasts. Or videos?
Gizmodo Writer Experiments Blocking Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Apple From Her Life https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=19/02/11/0623210
[the Waifu catalog]
Alleged tools
Why Writers Should Know About Monsters Before They Write a Word Includes a sectin on the difference between devils and demons.
Anne's Writing Nook
###Nanowrimo 2023:
###nanowrimo 2024
Judy Reeves’s 10 Daily Habits That Make a (Good) Writer Some actual good advice, whether yo uwrite or not.
for editing Knuth's TEX
LyX on wikipedia
TEXmacs, which is neither TEX not emacs
Regular text editors
How to export annotations. It seems like this information should be available from kobo itself.
k.d. lang performs Hallelujah - Vancouver 2010 Olympics Opening Ceremony
At The Age of 82, Bob Dylan Finally Confesses The Rumours of Decades" on YouTube
How a total disaster became the world’s best-selling piano album
Anita Carter - Satan's Child (1962) on YouTube
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee
Sand and Foam - Donovan on youtube
Space Oddity Ground Control to Major Tom -- cover by Chris Hadfield
Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid BlueBob Dylan 1963
Crown Lands
Metric - Help I'm Alive acoustic at KROQ also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwnaVwIrgzg
Bob Dylan - I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine (Take 2 - Alternate Version)
Proof Geometric Construction Can Solve All Love Affairs / manbo-p
Horses -- Patti Smith Patti Smiths' debut album.
on youtube
[MMD]Gimme×Gimme / Kagamine Rin Sour Ver x Hatsune Miku Sour Ver PV
strange Brian Eno / Jon Hassell - Fourth World Vol. 1: Possible Musics Full Album (2014 Remaster)
Irene Cara - Flashdance What A Feeling (Official Music Video)
Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart (Video)
The Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin (1968)
Kim Carnes - BETTE DAVIS EYE - Les années bonheur - Patrick Sébastien - Live
Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes (Extended Mix) (on June, 2021: Gary Schneider 1 month ago Oh yes, 1981. I was 13 and just figuring out the girl next door was actually the best friend I had, ever had, or ever will have. I still remember my dads little talk. I thought it was going to be the birds and bees talk. He looked at me all serious and said "Son don't screw this up cause she's the best you'll ever get" There was never anybody else. Four kids and 11 grandchildren later and life is good. God Bless to you all. )
Mary Hopkin Those were the days lyrics GPITRAL2 Music for Learning English with subtitles
The Shangri- Las - Remember ( Walking in the Sand) - Long stereo mix
NENA | 99 Luftballons [Offizielles Musikvideo] (1983) Not the video with the nuclear explosions
music browser: Debian package gmusicbrowser for libraries with a very large number of songs (over 10.000)
Opossum Carols or Walt Kelly's Xmas Postludicrosity contains sheet music for Boston Charlie music GARNiDELiA 『起死回生』MV
70's Oldies but Goodies - 70s Greatest Hits - Best Oldies Songs Of 1970s - Greatest 70s Music
Fractal music
ImSLP Petrucci Free Music LibrarySharing the world’s public domain music.
I'm your venus
Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence [Official Music Video] A somewhat louder varsion than the original.
[The Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin](The Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin) "One of the first official videos of "Nights In White Satin" in 1967. filmed in Paris, France." Black and white video, somewhat out of focus.
[It's the rattlesnake I fear]((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OAR6RKTAz4) Laurie Anderson - 1983 (A Merman I Should Turn To Be) - Jimi Hendrix Cover
See also Virtual coffee shops
indent paragraphs kepler somnium
To maybe read:
The Egg Short story by Andy Weir.
Audio books
Soylent News Book CLub
Web Serving
Fractale -- Katharina Ellador a fractal showcase
Discovering New Tessellations Using Dynamic Geometry Software
Posting memes until somone falls in love with you on a facebook page * Ya know, retirement might be alright after all!
Norm Macdonald on the Daily show definitely NSFW
kalsarikännit: The feeling when you are going to get drunk home alone in your underwear – with no intention of going out. A drink. At home. In your underwear.
Globe and Mail Canada https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/
See also: Codex Atlanticus, Codec Leiester, Codex Happer
search for ADOM, MAngband, and dwarf fortress found
RSS feed reader
Text Generation
Speech Recognition
Web Browser Anatomy – What’s Obvious And What Lies Under The Hood?
[ANN] Brr 0.0.2, a toolkit for programming browsers in OCaml, apparently. Bit it seems to be something to write programs that run in brpwsers, not a tool for writing an actual browser.
Iridium browser https://iridiumbrowser.de/
on ubuntu 16.20, mint 18.1 http://linuxbsdos.com/2017/02/18/how-to-install-iridium-browser-on-ubuntu-16-10-linux-mint-18-1/
(Servo)[https://servo.org/] An attempt at writing a browser in Rust. There seems to be cooperation with Mozilla Firefox.
Debian package qutebrowser -- one with a minimal GUI.
Debian package torbrowser-launcher -- to download an run the tor browser
COmponents and packages
Allegedly Social Media
virtual machines
Purism touchpad
Julia language https://www.algebraicjulia.org/ https://julialang.org/ google search for #catlab.jl ?
24-core ARM
Alder Lake-Powered Linux Laptop Arrives With 14 Hours of Battery Life Soylent News on 2022 July 09
AMD Ryzen PRO 6860Z Powered Lenovo Z13 Notebook With Microsoft Pluton Co-Processor Can't Boot Linux It turns out you can reconfigure it to boot Linux, but it's not immediately obvious how. Apparently thie is a consequence of current Microsoft requirements.
OpenTitan is the first open source project building a transparent, high-quality reference design and integration guidelines for silicon root of trust (RoT) chips.
ARM with two ethernet ports
Laptop manufacturers claiming Linux support
Tablet manufacturers claiming linux suppoet
Walt Kelly
What is proof that the sum of (1+1/2+1/3+…+1/n)-this series can't be an integer when n>1?
Words and wordplay: The Phrontistery
XKCD Imposter *NDG resto
TUNES projects
A few links about the design of social networks:
[Ad for master classes](https://youtu.be/Xb0PYr9EgPk Ad for master classes)
cats in boxes
matrix Claims to be an open network for secure, decentaralised communication. How open is it?
Computer hardware
A post I'm trying to understand about paper Higher cup products on hypercubic lattices: application to lattice models of topological phases
Feature structure grammars
Implementing Typed Feature Structure Grammars book by Ann Copestake
Google search for typed feature structure grammar
Feature structure on wikipedia
Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG (DELPH-IN) -- LkbInstallation
Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG (DELPH-IN) front page: DELPH-IN Overview
Kent SappAuthor Hendrik Boom never vacuum as that can cause static, blow with either pressurized air or an air duster. Hold your fans so they don't mess up the bearings. Everything else gets wipes with a Clorox disinfectant wipe, or several. Screen gets a microfibre cloth that has been slightly sprayed with a bit of water.
Attempts at using AI for art
books on discovering math
Atlas Petabyte Data Store
more misc.
Alternative video and the like
Did you know there's an ISO standard for brewing tea? See the wikipedia entry for ISO 3103!
There's a competing standard from the Royal Society of Chemistry.
###IANA links
IANA-managed Reserved Domains reserved domain names
JIR Journal of Irreproducible Results
Contemporary architecture does not merely reflect finance – it is finance
The Girl Who Played Go by Shan Sa, Adriana Hunter (Translator)
Combatting revisionist history A history of systemd claims.
emacs relatives
$15 Drug Gets COVID Patients Off Oxygen Support in Under Week -- Study Any chance that this actually works/
Samsung Kills the Cameras on the Galaxy Z Fold 3 If You Unlock the Bootloader
The Wonderful Century A review of the progress in the 1800's, made in 1898.
Revision management
https://commonjoe.gitlab.io/git-clarification/index.html A biography of Hugh Hefner
Windows 11 Is Making It Absurdly Difficult to Change Browsers
No Silver Bullet —Essence and Accident in Software Engineering classic article by Fred Brooks.
Why I Don’t Write Dystopian SF by mcgrew
The Return of the Cousins of the Dune Preacher's Mistress parody of Dune.
Prophecy -- John Wood Campbell Analog editorial from May 1968.
Self-Similar Tiles and Related Figures a catalogue.
the talos principle Game described on wikipedia.
Asking SN: What DAW set-up works for you? A discussion on digital audio set-ups.
Colour gamuts
I told you so, 2021 edition What people get wrong with screen savers
A Life in Games biographical note about John Jorton Conway.
What is ...? Seminar a weekly seminar, explaining things in an informal manner.
Explore the Louvre’s Entire Collection of 480,000 Artworks in a New Digital Database AN ARTICLE.
Mister Invincible Ad for a comic book
http://www.magnetic-press.com/mr-invincible/ How to make type theories for languages
How writers are turning H.P. Lovecraft's racist work on its head
You Can Now Easily Download All CIA UFO Documents to Date a Soylent News link
Canada Post support page Seems there should be a welcome page, but they bypassed it somehow when I followed th elink here.
James Bond: The evolution of an iconic franchise—and the coolest secret agent of all time A history of Bond films.
David Card and Minimum Wage
https://flashforest.ca/ Using drones to plant forests.
Picturing Our Future Pictures of anticipated climate change flooding.
Interfacing linux to Facbook Messemger
Something I should look into sometime?
In Brampton, a growing army of home cooks offer customers hungry for Indian food a taste of home - The Globe and Mail -- explaining how tiffin services provide something like food sbscriptions.
Indian Tiffin Service Montreal, Quebec A directory of tiffin services from indianbusinesscanada.
Recovering Our Lost Free Will Online: Tools and Techniques That Are Available Now An essay.
Waag dutch organisatino about technology and society.
What to watch according to the Globe and mail on December 16, 2021.
Glues : This to That A website devoted to choosing effective glues.
Lester Dent's Master Fiction Formula A duckduckgo search with many expositions.
Knoteverywhere allegedly a web app for drawing knots. I suspect it wants something other than a mouse and a computer, since the intructions I got distinguish between a click and a tap.
Rudy Rucker's Infinity and the Mind on Rucker's website
Web Accessibility
NightWatch in 717 billion pixels
A real-life snow globe One family's first night on the snowy streets of Toronto. (labelled as sponsor content)
Anthem of Ukraine sang in English Language
What did Nietzsche mean by monsters and the abyss?
Oil gas fracking radioactivity
Sketchtogether Is this the right site? For a shared online whiteboard?
Ten Heartbreakingly Brilliant Works of Animation according to Dan Persons; posted on Tor
Greenpeace petition to support right-to-repair
The worst programming language ever - Mark Rendle - NDC Oslo 2021 I should watch this sometime.
Site Hosting
The Magnus Archives a weekly horror fiction anthology podcast (I haven't tried it -- something I should do sometime)
Reptilian humanoid Entertaining video about video artifacts
U.S. Supreme Court on abortion
Flutter -- a platform-independent UI library? applications for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase.
Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis: an Intuitive Introduction
Logic programming
Project West Ford Needles in space!
How classic Sierra game graphics worked (and an attempt to upscale them)
Scientists announce a breakthrough in determining life’s origin on Earth—and maybe Mars It seems RNA spontaneously forms on basalt lava glass
Markov Junior a probabilistic programming language where programs are combinations of rewrite rules and inference is performed via constraint propagation.
Go at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering
Discover the Ice Age Floods Floods in weatern North America resulting from glaciers failing to hold back water.
Neo4j a so-celled graph datanase
Writing -- word lists
How To Become A Hacker Eric Steven Raymond
Montreal history The Gavazzi Riot of 1853
Holly Rhiannon book announcement
Markov Junior a probabilistic programming language where programs are combinations of rewrite rules and inference is performed via constraint propagation
The children of Iron and earth prologue. (Is this story any good? Don't know. Haven't rad it yet.
Logico-pluralistic exploration of foundational theories with computers
[An Early Run-In With Censors Led Rod Serling to ‘The Twilight Zone’](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/early-run-censors-led-rod-serling-twilight-zone-180971837
LibreVox public domain audio books
Are there any full-length theatre scripts based off of Lovecraft's works?
Bâtiment 7 - Home
CLAP -- Clever Audio Plug-in API -- open-source music
Paint it black Not the Rolling Stones version; even lyrics changed
Plain Text - Dylan Beattie - NDC Oslo 2021 pike matchbox
The Art of Code - Dylan Beattie Minute 43 for a language that plays music.
The rarest male type (Gaussian Sigma) This title seems to have nothing to do with the content; the video is about a mathematics legend.
Halting Problem & Quantum Entanglement 2020 Breakthrough result [MIP*=RE]
The Day of a new Command-Line Interface: Shell Discusses how a 'shell' doesn't have to be limited to the 50-year-old text-only terminal interface.
What are some things you wish you knew when you started programming?A quora question, with some useful answers. Many of these answers are indeed worth reading by beginners.
Text generation
Home | SF Gateway - Your Portal to the Classics of SF & Fantasy
Why don't they teach Newton's calculus of 'What comes next?'
Rendezvous With Rama: Why Villeneuve's New Sci-Fi Film Could Be Incredible!
The REAL Answer To The Viral Chinese Math Problem "How Old Is The Captain?"
Halting Problem & Quantum Entanglement 2020 Breakthrough result [MIP*=RE]
Sir Roger Penrose on collaborating with Wolfgang Rindler on Spinors and Space Time Sharing this in case I lose it before I get to see it and figure if it's worth recommending.
Olúfémi O. Táíwò’s theory of everything One of America’s most prominent philosophers argues that climate change calls us to rethink world history.
“Atari Was Very, Very Hard” Nolan Bushnell on Atari, 50 Years Later Reminiscences
Language in Québec
James M To Everyone
1:30:26 PM
For the proofs that it could do already, are any different/better proofs done by it after the ML learning?
Yannis (NYC) To Everyone
2:05:26 PM
Do you think theorem proving with Artificial Intelligence will be subject to Godel's incompleteness/inconsistency theorems?
7th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving
Uber files an investigatin by The Guardian.
In these trying times, I look to the works of George Orwell for inspiration Bob Rae Canadian ambassador to the United Nations, on George Orwell
new on 2022 07 18
2022 07 20
2022 07 25
2022 08 02
2022 08 03
2022 08 05
2022 08 09
2022 08 15
2022 08 20
Death Vallew is Wrecked The eariest comments seem to date from about 2022 08 10. I'm not sure when this was posted of filmed, though.
2022 08 27
2022 08 31
2022 09 10
2022 09 11
2022 09 15
Fair Ranking as Fair Division: Impact-Based Individual Fairness in Ranking Looks interesting; haven't read it yet. Would this work for, say, a recommendation system for Netflix? where there isn't a supply sortage of any particular film?
The brain undergoes a great "rewiring" after age 40 - Big Think
πfs: Never worry about data again! https://www.quora.com/
John Mark McDonald on nuclear war an extensive, likely realistic, explanation of the nature of nuclear war. Also here
Rockin' on without Microsoft Why and how Sterling Ball moved his company from Windows to Linux.
NASA's Mars Helicopter Snags Mysterious Foreign Object on 33rd Flight Oct 05, 2022
Post-tropical storm Fiona makes landfall in Atlantic provinces on Saturday - The Globe and Mail
Why Doom is Awesome: Binary Space Partitioning Youtube video about early 3D rendering techniques.
DeepMind Invents Faster Algorithms to Solve Tough Math Puzzles I'd like to know more about what inputs the neural net used.
The most drug-evasive COVID variant yet is likely to ruin winter
Rising cases of variants BQ.1 and XBB could make COVID drugs all but useless, study finds BQ.1, BQ.1.1 XBB, BA.2.75.2, XBB,BA.5, BA.4.6, BA.2.75.2, BJ.1, BM.1.1.1, "a sore throat is now the dominant symptom of COVID infection, rather than fever or loss of smell"
What is π? (and while we're at it, what's e?) Why π and e are important.
Brief of The Onion as amicus curiae at the USA supreme court
Pass A password manager. How does this ompare with keepass?
[Dreamdisc}(https://mindfungus.itch.io/dream-disc) A mindfungus name.
What's your pandemic story by ElizabethGreene on Soylent News. A personal exposition of her experiences during the pandemic, followed by many comments by others, some describing their own pandemic stories.
How to Change your Mind on Youtube, There's also a series on Netflix.
CHARITY STREAM: Upgrading Old Webservers On An 8 Year Old Website (SoylentNews Revival #1)
What is ZFC (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory) and why is it important? Discussoin on the nature of axiomati set theory.
2022 11 18
2022 11 16
2022 11 20
2022 11 21
2022 11 23
Why did the ancient Babylonians come up with 60 second minutes and 360 degrees?
Some Results Concerning Intuitionistic Logical Categories Karen Tennenhouse's master's thesis, 1975
The benefits and costs of writing a POSIX kernel in a high-level language On using Go to write an operating system kernel.
Attention deficit
Alice Mary Hilton, who coined the term cyberculture in 1963.
NCommander's return (in 2022)
The Unexpected Measure that Makes the Modern World Tick About measuring time
Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit but the lyrics are AI generated images
The Doors - People Are Strange but the lyrics are AI generated images
a Racket blog by Mike Delmonaco.
zeromq an attempt at a robust intercinnection protocol.
Jordan Peterson excerpts
Video: World’s first artificial womb facility lets you choose baby's characteristics from menu I find myself wondering if this is real.
Stable Diffusion Version 2: Power To The People… For Free! A seven-minute video advertising it (in the series called two-minute papers)
HTTP in Swift Am 18-part series on implementing HTTP in Apple's Swift.
Montreal stuff
Games again
Trudeau tweet prompts questions on everything from mermaid sex to dog pants
Great Works in Computer Science Let's learn from the past instead of forgetting it.
Italy’s pasta row: a scientist on how to cook spaghetti properly and save money
Why Are There 7 Days In a Week? EXPLAINED on YouTube
Metformin and vitamin B12
Which ancient civilization was best for the common man? An answer about the Caral civilisation.
Related, but different and likely incompatible
[Spinors for Beginners[(https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJHszsWbB6hoOo_wMb0b6T44KM_ABZtBs)
The Mystery of Spinors on YouTube
BBC documentary on Nietzsche
H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
What to Expect When You're Expecting ... GPT-4 by Gary Marcus
ChatGPT in Context.
Dog stories
What separates a great programmer from a good programmer? alternative link
Squid and human brains develop the same way despite diverging 500 million years ago
Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King written from Birmingham jail way back in 1963. Notable are the exquisite politeness of the language, the intellectual depth of the narrative, and the straightforward nonavoidance of the word "Negro".
[Fall of Civilizations Podcast(ttps://fallofcivilizationspodcast.com)
Sectograph visual planner A tool for visualising time that some attention-deficited people find useful.
Lectures on ADHD for professionals by Dr. Russel Barkley. A Youtube playlist.
Carlo M. Cipolla A Wikipedia article containing the Basic Laws of Human Stupidity,
You've Been Lied To About Genetics Video explaining the discrepancies between Mendel's laws and what we have subsequently learned about genetics.
It' all right Ma Bob Dylan song on Youtube
Cranelift's Instruction Selector DSL, ISLE: Term-Rewriting Made Practical
The Hunt for the Dark Web’s Biggest Kingpin: The Rise and Fall of AlphaBay
20 Things I’ve Learned in my 20 Years as a Software Engineer with a lot of reader comments.
Mathematical theorems you had no idea existed, cause they’re false
How Kindle novelists are using ChatGPT / An interview with an AI early adopter
2023 02 01
Alien Coding Synthesising programs for OEIS sequences
the Racket Room where first Saturday afternoon meetings are hed at 18:00 UTC
Meeting Grothendieck, 2012 Katrina Honigs
Let Me Think Somonw want to re-engineer scholarly society.
Critical Ignoring
Watch distant worlds dance around their sun
Nicolas Parent -- Mirage short guitar music
In the Victorian Era, Valentine’s Day Was a Celebration of Same-Sex Romance - Atlas Obscura Turns out this about events at American womens' colleges.
Gigguk An anime and manga reviewer.
Arrival: A Response To Bad Movies A review that approves of Arrival.
[101 Science Fiction Tropes For Writers]{https://www.writerswrite.co.za/101-sci-fi-tropes-for-writers/}
Rx for Prolonged Sitting: A Five-Minute Stroll Every Half Hour
The Emperor's Old Clothes Tony Hoare: there are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. (on page 81)
GrapheneOS for pixel phones
[Stephen Wolfram](A New Kind of Science](https://www.wolframscience.com/nks/) I find the attitude that the physics of our world can be described by cellular automata to be just false, but there are insights to he had from this ridiculously simplistic model.
Tongues Of Flame
Bloatware Pushes the Galaxy S23 Android OS to an Incredible 60GB on soylent news
The Right to Read by Richard Stallman
Elements of Style: CSS for Ebooks #2 looks to be a useful part of a larger, less useful site on self-publishing.
OpenAssistant - ChatGPT's Open Alternative (We need your help!)
Stop Getting Lost: Make Cognitive Maps, Not Levels GDC presentation
Knowledge Representation (popular subject in the 1960's and on)
Dragons don't celebrate Passover on Amazon -- there should be other places to buy it.
Can-Con 2023 The Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature
How Quantum Computers Break The Internet... Starting Now ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UrdExQW0cs)
Candidate geometries for round-world RPG maps
RPG Tools Dungeon Alchemist
Pythagorean Tuning Fascinating artile about how a tuning based on exact fifths differs from a tempered tuning.
17 of the most powerful excerpts from poetry according to Writers Write. There's some good poetry here.
SpikeGPT: researcher releases code for largest-ever spiking neural network for language generation March 07, 2023
Population decrease is irreversible. How will we manage the decline of humanity?
You Can Now Run a GPT-3-Level AI Model on Your Laptop, Phone, and Raspberry Pi
The Empire of the Rising Scum by Robert Shea, 1990
IPFS -- Interplanetary File System
Artificial Intelligence
AI can't cross this line and we don't know why.
Mastering NIM and Impartial Games with Weak Neural Networks: An AlphaZero-inspired Multi-Frame Approach by Søren Riis
How the Writers Guild sunk AI’s ship from Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
The Future Coming at You – Artificial Intelligence & Writing with D. G. Valdron in The Attic, with D.G. Valdron
AI Threats: Can the Matrix and Other Sci-Fi Films Teach Us Anything?
Self-Healing Code is the Future of Software Development](https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=23/06/08/1514241&page=1&noupdate=1#comment_1311558) I doubt it.
‘Godfather of AI’ Geoffrey Hinton quits Google and warns over dange...
‘ChatGPT said I did not exist’: how artists and writers are fightin...
Chinese police arrest man who allegedly used ChatGPT to spread fake...
Machine Learning XKCD
The peril and promise of artificial intelligence - The Globe and Mail
Generative AI is changing work, it’s time to ask ‘how’ and ‘how quickly’ - The Globe and Mail
AI ‘race to recklessness’ could have dire consequences, tech experts warn in new interview
Philip Koopman - How safe is safe enough for Autonomous Vehicles The meat of the talk is about 20 minutes; he rest is discussion.
To make sense of the police response to the Ottawa convoy, look at Ipperwash - The Globe and Mail
Globe Climate: The final IPCC report looks dire, but there are bright spots - The Globe and Mail
Actions to stave off climate breakdown are possible but urgent, UN report says - The Globe and Mail
Attacks on Iran-linked bases in Syria will draw swift response, spokesperson says - The Globe and MailStates Iran's claims that its presence in Syria is to fight terrorism
instead of supporting it.
Syrian says air defences confront Israeli attack over Homs area - The Globe and Mail
Eight credits Canadians overlook when filing their tax returns - The Globe and Mail
What Canadians need to know to plan for the solar eclipse of a lifetime - The Globe and Mail
Opinion: A curious photo from 1885 captures what Indigenous reconciliation could have been - The Globe and Mail
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Painting About a salacious painting lleged to have been in a Russian space vehicle.
SpaceX’s Starship rocket, the largest & most powerful rocket ever, successfully lifted off. a rapid unscheduled disassembly.
Natural Languages
Tolerance is not a moral precept by Yonatan Zunger
GPT-like AI -- mimicry in prectice
Blues rules on Facebook Candace Jane Dorsey
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction An article from 1935, now relevant in the age of AI.
A Contextual-Bandit Approach to Personalized News Article Recommendation How does this work?
World Wide Web is 30 years old.
[Slavery, Race and Ideology in the United States of America](https://www.versobooks.com/en-ca/blogs/news/2763-slavery-race-and-ideology-in-the-united-states-of-america
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Ludwig Wittgenstein, Translated by F. P. Ramsey
the Bridges Organization mathematical art
Mathematical Fiction A vast collection of mathemaatical fition, som of it available online.
the Basel problem Euler's elegant algebraic proof of a series that some to pi squared over 6
2017 North America Total Solar Eclipse Close-up Real-time 4K on Vimeo
Two-disk compound symmetry and the resulting fractals Bob Hearn
Seeds of Diversity A Canadian seed bank preserving heritage seeds.
Triple Stores
triple stores are used in RDF (what's that? Resource descriptin F??)
DPpedia extract structured content from Wikipedia
E.W.Dijkstra -- On the cruelty of really teaching computer science
Cat pictures
Scientists finally know why we get distracted — and how we can stay on track
Smells like fire in Montreal today. (posted 2023 06 06)
Laughing Through Life: 40+ Hilarious Comics About An Artist’s Everyday Struggles Ari
A Tim Hortons flavoured take on 'Sorry' (Super Canadian version - Justin Bieber Parody)
Soylent News ShutdownIEEE Vis 2022 - Transforming Tabular Data and Grammars MV
A prettier printer Philip Wadler
The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Gerard ’t Hooft
The Road Home Babylon 5 animated movie, 2023
The Mysterious Dodecahedrons of the Roman Empire
Reading Euclid Learn Euclid nd vlassical Greek at the same time.
How Painted Bricks Could Have Contributed to the Recent Iowa Building Collapse
Ultravaluations and their Applications in CPL Krzysztof A. Krawczyk and Bo ̇zena Pi ̧eta CA 3:11 / 4:49
Apéro à Zéro 3661, rue Ontario Est. A store specialising in non-alcoholic beers, wines, whiskeys, ...
Compositional System Dynamics for Public Health TODO: find where the recording is available https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t__TaOb5Pvk
Virtual trainspotting sites
Better know a train nerd: 36 different classifications for Japan’s “densha otaku”
Engineers look to an old source to empower the future of computer vision a promotional article
nvpro-samples / build_all Seems to be a numnnr of examples of vulcan programming.
Privacy Testing Comparison of browers for privacy.
Bill 96 is an attempt to scrub English from the mouths of Quebeckers
Keep screwing over your group members? This teacher is tired of your shit. How one teacher dealt with a group of students who refused to work.
Opinion: Canada’s approach to housing is bad for the economy - The Globe and Mail 2023 07 14
*Mail Merge as a First Programming Language
Non-monotonic logic -- might these be relevant to game design?
Mr.Feis on pbs
Mr.Feis on twitter
[Nuclear Engineer Reacts to Animation vs. Math])https://youtu.be/RCJW21LJP0I?si=V45qDGsrkxrPUs1B)
A jargon-free explanation of how AI large language models work
string theory lied to us and now science communication is hard Pretty girl talks sensibly about the history of string theory while playing a video game.
Beyond Exponentiation: A Tetration Investigation discussing 1/2 as a tetration hyperexponent.
You've Never Heard This Version of Für Elise a version Beethoven actually drafted for publication, but then didn't publish. A later version than the one everyone knows about.
A Swift Introduction to Projective Geometric Algebra A bit too telegraphic, but does get some of the ideas across.
Fast-Paced Multiplayer
Some news sites blocked by facebook/meta to Canadians
Quebec enters the era of quantum computing 2023 08 15
taste of water not (https://www.facebook.com/groups/36128962836/?multi_permalinks=10163491187902837&hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen)
A Subtle Art with Visceral Power Frame-rate modulation.
The Life of Alexander Grothendieck & Topos Theory | Colin McLarty
Books and such mentioned
Grothendieck's 1973 topos lectures - C. McLarty
Links Mentioned:
As We May Think - Vannevar Bush - The Atlantic Vannevar Bush's visionary artice from 1945.
Sudan’s civil war puts ancient treasures in the line of fire - The Globe and Mail Some lovely pyramids of a different style from mayan or egyptian.
Opinion: The West’s embrace of economic populism is destined to end badly - The Globe and Mail
Tour of asteroid Bennu 2023 08 23
What I learned about coping and resilience from asteroid Bennu | Psyche Ideas 2023 08 23
This is how your brain distinguishes reality from imagination | Psyche Ideas 2023 08 23
This is how to nurture curiosity in children (and yourself) | Psyche Ideas 2023 08 23
Boltzmann brain Lots of interesting links at the end about universes.
The real Lord of the Flies: what happened when six boys were shipwrecked for 15 months
Machine-learning system based on light could yield more powerful, efficient large language models
Twisty Puzzles
1 Beatles song, 7 modes Norwegian Wood in each of the seven modes
The Beatles' Final Song (article)
In 2011, Rose is sitting on a park bench with twelve-year-old Iz. episode of It Never Rains
We have met the enemy and he is us -- Walt Kelly -- 27 minutes 1969
Lesser Elements by Steve Litt I suspect this age will get moved sometime soon.
Report of the Public Inquiry into the 2022 Public Order Emergency Rouleau Report
Leonardo de Moura: "Lean 4: Empowering the Formal Mathematics Revolution and Beyond" 2023 09 07
How The Most Useless Branch of Math Could Save Your Life A ideo about knot theory
biomorph test by hris Thomasson
Simple, Non-Commercial, Open Source NotesSUGGESTS, AMONG OTHERS, NEOVIM, qoWNnOTES, Emacs (org-mode), Zim.
A system to keep cloud-based gamers in sync using unobtrusive audio
Trust cafe
CBC Listen - Putting politics aside to tackle the housing crisis
James Webb Space Telescope's first spectrum of a TRAPPIST-1 planet
Divided Loyalyies -- Warhammer Fantasy
North American Final Document for the Continental Stage of the 2021-2024 Synod
Additude webinar on epigenetics in ADHD Live webinar -- final location may differ. See https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-expert-webinars-index/
Jim Palmer reflecting on having been a megachurch pastor 14 things the misguided religious establishment doesn't want you to know. See English version after the French-translated extract.
Transgender Issues
Brennan has had a donald trump impression this whole time (https://youtu.be/aJqvXQUCTH8?si=wQmhQIfjpOE0iy9c)
01 - Complex Mass, Gravity and Electricity #SoME3 (https://youtu.be/20EO2h51cSs?si=NaXblNbSU-gvsvSl)
https://youtu.be/20EO2h51cSs?si=NaXblNbSU-gvsvSl (https://youtu.be/J0rUtiy4m0Y?si=7n7tU0FcCdCJIOM_)
Molecular chemistry
https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/demotivator-reaction-gif-picture-threa +d.109/page-245
P.1: https://imgur.com/gallery/oawZSrb
P.2: https://imgur.com/gallery/h3LBSsr
IPv4 Address Blocks Reserved for Documentation Like the 555 exchange used for phone numbers in movies. The blocks (TEST-NET-1), (TEST-NET-2), and (TEST-NET-3) are provided for use in documentation.
Mpiua Tiostouea, a Language for Time Travelers | Cursed Conlang Circus 2 Entry
【MMD】 IA - Higher 【IA - イア】 Version with round decorationS
A Foundation for Synthetic Algebraic Geometry Looks interesting.
Discourse requests
The State of the Art in Language Workbenches: Conclusions from the Language Workbench Challenge
Political deepfakes will spread confusion and misinformation
Continue: Web Applications in Racket
Caroline Maguire, M.Ed. Presented dditude webinar on adults with ADHD making friends
Barcelona museum throws open its doors to nudist visitors - The Globe and Mail](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-barcelona-museum-throws-open-its-doors-to-nudist-visitors/)
Why Do Mainframes Still Exist? What's Inside One? 40TB, 200+ Cores, AI, and more!
Sacred Texts
The Concept So Much of Modern Math is Built On | Compactness An elegant exolanation of compactness. (warning -- Heine-Borel theorem all this is based on is not onstructive)
Init systems - overview Compares SysVinit, daemontoools family (Runit, s6), systemd.
Debian: Switching Init System Easily (OpenRC, Sysvinit, Runit)
How to find your IP Address on Debian now that ifconfig bites the dust. This information is essential for testing. Are you talking to the machine you think you're talking to?
init-d-cript A script often used to write init scripts by defining variables and overricing functions. used by the init script for tinydns. for example.
A service manager written in Guile.
init system
Tinydns seems also, and informally, to be called djbdns. djbdns is the original, tinydns is a renamed or later version, or one modified by other than the original author. Not sure
Life With djbdns Independent documentation about djbdns
Kiss Your BIND Good-bye: In-Depth Configuration with Tinydns
Tinydns on the openwrt wiki. Very different package names than on Devuan. Probably different contents, too.
tinydns-conf man page on devuan, tinydns-conf is in the package djbdns-conf. (Note I first thought differently. tinydns-conf is in package pdns-backend-tinydns.
[Testing Your tinydns Server](https://liut x.nl/mirror/linuxcookbook/0596006403/linuxckbk-CHP-24-SECT-21.html) using tinydns-get. Contains links pagesdescribibg other tools.
How to run a DNS server based n daemontools (ancestor of runit) and djbdns (ancestor of tinydns) Thia one mentios the account names Gtinydns and Gdnslog . Also tinydns-conf which I'm having a hard time finding in devuan or debian.
djbdns DJB's documentatopm. A list of links to documentation files.
apt-get source djbdns-conf
Using dig +trace to Understand DNS Resolution from Start to Finish
The main problem was to get gmail to accept messages from an independent server. As of February, this seems to have required
Now for the reference documentation:
Postmaster -- appears to be a Microsoft thing
email blocking
CBC Listen - This wildlife park's parrots won't stop swearing. Especially Sheila
Dark years
Report Reveals Decline In Quality Of USB Sticks And MicroSD Cards tHIS SOYLENT NEWS discussion mentinos some tools to tell if your USB stick really works with the advertised capacity.
year of no sun
The Internet is Worse Than Ever – Now What? A dufferent exokanation from the usual silo explanation.
Dns query code in c with linux sockets Example code.
This book should have changed mathematics forever On YouTube. It is about logarithm, but the book is table of exponential instead of one of logarithme.
Why I don't use Unity, Godot or Unreal Engine - Which Game Engine I use? on YouTube He uses Construct 3 on Typescript/Javascript.
how NASA writes space-proof code on youtube.
Linus was right. - ECC Memory Explained (Youtube video) Apparently available on some AMD Rysen processors.
Anthropic principle - Wikipedia Has a great see-also list.
Infinitesimals via Cauchy sequences: Refining the classical equivalence
Site-vetting sites
[Google Admin Toolbox Check MX](https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/checkmx/
[Help prevent spoofing and spam with SPF])https://support.google.com/a/answer/33786)
https://www.usenix.org.uk/content/rblremove Removal is simple, using the cleaned host, access www.usenix.org.uk/content/rblremove and removal will be automatic. If unable to use HTTP from the cleaned host then log a ticket via www.usenix.org.uk/content/rblremovehelp and a human will perform the checks.
“You never know what you will learn ‘til you start writing. Then you discover truths you never knew existed.” — Anita Brookner
Sociotechnical infrastructire for mathematical research at the Topos Institute Colloquium, by Steven Clontz
Open Source Society University Path to a free self-taught education in Math!
Abstraction, intuition, and the “monad tutorial fallacy” Also known a the burrito fallacy.
The Zimaboard is perhaps the most simple way to get started with a home server
best physics equation | virial theorem | gravothermal catastrophe Nontrivial stuff. I need to study this and look at the links. *IA & OИE / Into Starlight 【MUSIC VIDEO】
The Rise of Large-Language-Model Optimization
Watch "What would an ENSH*TTIFIED Linux distro look like?" on YouTube
Underground Cities
Krazy Kat
Commafuckers Versus The Commons Copyleft Trolls abusing the Creative Commons licenses.
Wow! Did We Just Live Through an Actual Carrington Event? Maybe...
3 Discoveries in Mathematics That Will Change How You See The World
MANY 1: A Transversal Imaginative Journey across the Realm of Mathematics linked from https://www.jyb-logic.org/MANY1)
D. Frettlöh, F. Gähler, E. Harriss: Tilings encyclopedia Non-periodic substitution tilings.
AI is a false god from The Warus. Has a lovely picture of the newborn false god.
David Deutsch - Which Laws of Nature are Fundamental? ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BLo2SdmjLI)
Series Be Smart
nextcloud Open-source collabortion software. Set up your own cloud server.
Lectures from the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics
Google claims math breakthrough with proof-solving AI models | Ars Technica
Adobe exec likened hidden cloud subscription exit fees to 'heroin', says FTC
Secure Boot is completely broken on 200+ models from 5 big device makers | Ars Technica
Former Secret Service agent explains the security mistakes we continue to make – Computerworld a rambling interview
Céline Dion - River Deep, Mountain High (Taking Chances World Tour: The Concert) Tina Turner did it bette. And the grating dancers in this video distract from the music and are rather pointless.
One second to compute the largest Fibonacci number I can One second of processor time. A lot of algorithmic complexity theory.
Why Do Physicists Believe That a Shadow Hides Entire Worlds? About David Deutch's version of multiple universes? Or the presenter's misunderstanding of it?
Reversing information flow: retrodiction in semicartesian categories
Axioms for retrodiction: achieving time-reversal symmetry with a prior
Open source databases: What are they and why do they matter?
Ghostwrite on RISC-V
The Balthazar laptop: An all-European RISC-V Free Hardware computer (2024) Looks like a machine for small hands, but I don't see measurements.
IIT Computer Science Pioneer Robert B.K. Dewar Passes Away (2015)
OOM killer
Automated mathematics and the reconfiguration of proof and labor
AfterMath: The Work of Proof in the Age of Human–Machine Collaboration
From topos institute on 2024 08 22 about Lean. Will Crichton
Le Salon Enchanthé 3770, rue Ontario E, Montréal, QC H1W 1S2 I've never been there. (2024)
There is No Fix for Intel's Crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — Any Damage is Permanent
Faster Than a Speeding Photon: How Tachyons Challenge Modern Physics
OpenUSD -- Universal Scene Description
An introduction to Udev: The Linux subsystem for managing device events
SAE Levels of Driving Automation™ Refined for Clarity and International Audience
Is It Safe to Refreeze Food? And Other Food Safety Questions, Answered article shared from the New Yok Times.
Some robots
The politically incorrect guide to saving NASA’s floundering Artemis Program - Ars Technica
lateral Comedy panel game podcast about weird questions with wonderful answers
Pre-boot software
Cholesterol metabolism: physiological regulation and diseases
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/382889770 Possible Worlds and Force Dynamics for Emergent Narrative https://www.researchgate.net/publication/382889770_Possible_Worlds_and_Force_Dynamics_for_Emergent_Narrative
Neurodiversity and neurodivergence for greater understanding
Types as Abstract Interpretations by Patrick Cousot
Pre-SchemeRestoration A humanly-comprehensiblebpptstrapping chain to build Scheme from almost nothing.
Mark Carney - Canada Not Interested in Trump’s Offer & Liberal Leadership Prospects | The Daily Show
A multi-language-oriented Macro System discussion on discourse.
Azimuth News (Part 7) Contains discussion about grants and social interaction, about the prospect of mathematical biology, and a discussion about the number of genders and what that means.
in Quanta magazinr New Quantum Paradox Clarifies Where Our Views of Reality Go Wrong
PM Justin Trudeau reacts to U.S. tariffs, outlines government's response – March 4, 2025